Historic Homes of Bakerville
60 Winchester Road; also known as Glenwood
One of Bakerville's grand residences, the home
at 60 Winchester Road, was built in 1852 by James L. Watson,
son of Isaac Royal Watson, more commonly called Royal
Watson. It was prominently featured in an inset on the 1852 map of
New Hartford.
It has an illustrious past. In the 1920s, it was a speakeasy and at that time, also housed an Italian restaurant. James Watson went to the California gold rush from 1849 - 1852. (We wonder whether he struck it rich!) He was the sole heir to his father's estate, and, according to the Watson genealogy, lived in Bakerville from 1852 to 1864.
This house and the house next door at 72 Winchester Road, were part of a 250 acre parcel. From 1864 until 1930, the entire 250 acre parcel was transferred intact. The price for the acreage also remained stable - from $20,000 to $22,000 over this 66-year period.
In the early 1900s, Helen del Garcia purchased 60 Winchester Road. Presumably, the del Garcias named the home Glenwood. Mrs. del Garcia sold the home in 1914.
In 1924, the home was purchased by Clorindo Barella, who owned it for 20 years. Although Mr. Barella owned it, a Mr. Buckley lived in the home.
It was during this time that Glenwood was transformed into a speakeasy, The Shady Brook Club. The club was patronized by local swells.
In 1947, the Barellas sold the home to Julia Sekulski. The Sekulskis owned this home for many years.
Sources: Bemis, Julia Draper Watson & Alonzo Amasa Bemis, History and Genealogy of the Watson Family: Descendants of Matthew Watson, Spencer, MA: N.P., 1894.
72 Winchester Road
This house was built in 1829 by Royal Watson, according to Historical Society member David Krimmel. Krimmel, who researched the history of the house, noted that Royal Watson sold both this house and Glenwood in 1852 to his son, James Watson. Royal died in 1853. This home is now owned by Mr. & Mrs. Normal Baier.
Reproduced from the Newsletter of the New Hartford Historical Society, July 2000 p.4.